Soothing home spa - Set to the right temperature

As more and more people are indulging themselves under the concept of stay-vocation, choose a soak in your own bathroom seems a logical step. offers many organic bath salts and soak that feature brands by Masada. Although hot tubs and home spas provide the perfect setting for relaxation, they can become dangerous if some general rules are not followed accordingly.

One of the most important rules you need to follow is the water temperature in your tub. Water temperatures that exceed a certain level can potentially become dangerous to individuals using the tub, so a thermometer is always recommended. We prefer a infrared thermometer with visible red beam. Just point the red beam to the water and have a easy reading.

Most expert suggest that the water temperature in your hot tub or spa should not, at any point in time, exceed 100-degrees Fahrenheit or 37-degrees Celsius. Immersion in hot water above these temperatures, especially for prolonged amounts of time, can lead to a variety of heat-related illnesses such as stroke, heart attack, nausea, dizziness and possible brain damage.

Hot spa sometimes can act as a relief catalyst for some symptom, i.e. migraine pain, nasal congestion because the soak will accelerate the metabolism and blood circulation. But it's not recommended, as a precaution, for people taking prescribed medication or under severe alcohol influence.

It is important to recognize special considerations when setting the temperature of your hot tub. Children do not adapt to heat as well as adults do. That said, if children are going to be in the hot tub, the temperature should be lowered at least a couple of degrees in order to ensure their safety.

Always use the thermometer to measure the temperature especially when trickling water with foam bath additive. The foam above the water surface can disguise the real temperature beneath. Many people tend to use the "steam factor" as a guide for how hot the water temperature is. Often times, with the foam on the surface, the temperature can be hotter.

Some other tips that people has found useful:
  • Put aside a cold drink to prevent dehydration.
  • Soak and if you feel it's too hot, slowly emerge from the water to expose the body heat
  • Use the flat surface of your tub as hand rail to support your body
  • Use a spa pillow to find comfort for your neck
  • Find a anti-skid mat to prevent slippery
  • If your tub is by the window, leave a small opening for cooler air
In addition, it is important to recognize the dangers involved with pregnant women. For the most part, pregnant women should avoid hot tubs throughout their pregnancy. Ultimately it is your decision; make it wisely. The choices you make will have a great impact on your health and the health of all individuals using your spa.


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